5 Tips to Help Your Kid Have Healthy Teeth and Gums

5 Tips to Help Your Kid Have Healthy Teeth and Gums

Posted by EVERYONES FAMILY DENTAL on Aug 6 2021, 09:03 AM

5 Tips to Help Your Kid Have Healthy Teeth and Gums

According to the American Dental Association, developing a good oral health routine at a young age is essential in ensuring healthier smiles for the future. The responsibility falls on parents since infants and toddlers can’t take care of their own oral health. 

However, there are not many resources that give parents correct information. 

Our dentists at Everyone’s Family Dental across Illinois and Wisconsin have years of expertise in offering a host of pediatric treatments for kids of all ages. Based on our experience, we’ve lined up the best tips to help your kid maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Start Them Early

Our dentists know that a child’s oral health care routine should start the day after their first tooth erupts. That is when we recommend parents begin brushing their child’s teeth with infant toothpaste twice a day. 

Starting young also gets kids used to the rigors of oral care and helps them continue the habit as they grow older.

Clean Their Pacifiers

Toddlers and infants are glued to their pacifiers for most of the day. Pacifiers can become an easy gateway for harmful bacteria to enter their mouths.

So, make sure to boil the pacifiers or rinse them in warm water for a few minutes to eliminate bacteria. Also, don’t dip the pacifier in sugar syrup, formula, or juice as it can increase the buildup of acids in their mouth.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste When They’re Old Enough to Spit

Add a tiny bit of fluoride toothpaste regularly when your child is old enough to spit. Also teach them how to brush and clean their tongue and gums.

Handhold Them Until They Get Used to the Routine

Your child can take time to get used to the routine of brushing efficiently every day. So, make sure to watch over them and guide them on how to do it correctly until you are confident they can do it themselves.

Avoid Giving the Baby Bottle Before Sleep

A baby bottle may be the easiest way to put your child to sleep. But, it can be bad for their overall oral health. That’s because the bacteria in their mouth will consume the sugar content in the milk and potentially cause tooth enamel damage.

Following these tips can help you keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy. To know more, get in touch with our expert pediatric dentists at Everyone’s Family Dental. Call (817) 845-9292 or visit any of our eight offices across Illinois or Wisconsin for assistance.

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